Tony D.'s latest activity

  • Tony D.
    Tony D. reacted to Paul's post in the thread So cold, so worth it with Like Like.
    We're heading into a week of 50° weather as well. It's about time to hook things back up and do more riding. I'm about 2000 miles short...
  • Tony D.
    Had a new clutch put in so it was time for a ride. I only :cool: got 66K out of the original clutch and it was slipping before I hooked...
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  • Tony D.
    Tony D. replied to the thread Sunny San Francisco Day.
    Well, it is not THE most crooked street, that is in another part of the city. Topo-down video of that coming as soon as i have time to...
  • Tony D.
    Santa brought me an Insta360 camera. I was fascinated to see how the trap collapses(?) under braking, but in retrospect it makes...
  • Tony D.
    Tony D. replied to the thread Fixed the Lean!.
    That swiftkicker looks beautifully engineered. For my old Vulcan, I was able to swap out kickstands from other (junkyard) model...
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